May 2010

UPDATE: Surf and Turf – May 18, 2010

by Suzanne on May 19, 2010

Just to let you know how things are progressing with our new “Yard Ornament” from yesterday. In case you have forgotten . . . Emailed city civil engineer, Michelle. Received reply. She and another engineer would be out to look at the perfectly centered pain-in-my-eyeballs. They showed up. Took full responsibility for the oversight and promised it would be moved 40 FEET to the east, close to the fence line within a day or two. MM and I are thinking, “Yeah, right.” Although I give her all the credit for replying, showing up, and committing to making this happen. But to actually do it and get ‘er done in a couple of days? Could be a perfect case of “mouth overloading one’s . . . er, uh . . . butt”. We’ll see. This morning I was awakened from my beauty sleep by the melodic tunes of construction equipment back-up beepers. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, threw off the covers and planted my feet firmly on the ground. Standing and wondering what planet I am on, I walked to the front window in the dining room. Now, you have to understand that without my glasses I can’t see to the end of my nose, much less to the front of our yard. So I run (well, THAT’S an overstatement) and grab my glasses and my camera and this is the sight that was staring down my lens . . . So, I’m thinking that the tree is just in the way of seeing our “Yard Ornament”. So, I change my perspective. OK, so I finally open the front door and zoom in. Miracles never cease. My faith in humanity is restored. Gotta run. First to send a “Thank You” email and then off to buy a lottery ticket! LuckyDucky, Suz PS This was on today. Sorry, but it is already sold. And no, I didn’t buy it. Kinda creepy . . . .